MATLAB: Error – Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.

errorfor loopMATLAB

I'm relatively new to coding and I was trying to apply a formula to a MATRIX to get relief angle.
Now A is a 10000 x 2 matrix and I want to apply the following formula to it, everytime I try to do so I recieve and Error "Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values".
Error in Untitled (line 4)
A=Profiles(:,[1 2]);
for i = 1:10;

Best Answer

for i = 1:10;
The first time through the loop, i will be assigned the value 1
The first time through the loop, i is 1, so the code would be trying to execute
which is
However, 0 is not a valid index in MATLAB.
You need to re-think how you calculate the first output.
You really should have a Very Good Reason why you would alter the loop control variable within a for loop. MATLAB does define what happens, but it is seldom what most people expect would happen.
You are not storing the value of Y that you compute. The end result of the for loop is that Y would be the last value that was stored into Y. If you had fixed the i-1 problem, then that would correspond to the i=10 case for the for loop. The calculation for i = 10 has nothing to do with the calculation for i = 9 or i = 8 or so on, so if you are not going to store each of the values as you generate them, then you might as well not run any of those iterations and only run i=10 instead.
You should probably be considering assigning to Y(i) instead of to Y