MATLAB: Error in trainAutoencoder function

autoencoderdeep learningerrorfunctionmachine learningMATLABtoolboxtrainvarargin

when trying to train an autoencoder, no matter the input data, I get the following error:
Unable to resolve the name
Error in trainAutoencoder (line 107)
paramsStruct =
I've tried running the example found in here, which should work just fine, but I get the aforementioned error, plus a line indicating
Error in filename (line 21)
autoenc1 = trainAutoencoder(xTrainImages,hiddenSize1,'MaxEpochs',400,'L2WeightRegularization',0.004,'SparsityRegularization',4,'SparsityProportion',0.15,'ScaleData',
From what I understand, the error is inside the trainAutoencoder function, in the paramsStruct = Autoencoder.parseInputArguments(varargin{:}) line
if nargin > 1
[varargin{:}] = convertStringsToChars(varargin{:});
paramsStruct = Autoencoder.parseInputArguments(varargin{:});
autonet = Autoencoder.createNetwork(paramsStruct);
autoenc = Autoencoder.train(X, autonet, paramsStruct.UseGPU);
I've tried looking up the error online, but to no avail. If it's something obvious I just can't see what it is. I have the needed toolboxes installed, and I get this error in the 2019 and 2020 versions of MatLab.
If anyone could help me out, I would be extremely grateful

Best Answer

Updating the post with the solution
Putting the path where the function .m file is at the top of the list, resolves the problem. I don't know why, but there it is
Home/Set Path, search for the path, and press Move to Top
To identify where the function is (the path) use "which 'function name' "