MATLAB: Error in the rosmatlab application: Undefined variable “rosmatlab” or class “rosmatlab.node….


Dear all,
I created a publisher in ROS which publishes messages successfully. I want to receive these messages by Matlab. This my code in Matlab (Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, ROS Hydro, Matlab2015a):
function test_ros
import rosmatlab.*
roscore = rosmatlab.roscore(11311);
node = rosmatlab.node('NODE', [], 11311);
subscriber = rosmatlab.subscriber(....
but Matlab gives me these errors:
Undefined variable "rosmatlab" or class "rosmatlab.roscore".
Error in test_ros (line 13)
roscore = rosmatlab.roscore(11311);
Undefined variable "rosmatlab" or class "rosmatlab.node".
Error in test_ros (line 17)
node = rosmatlab.node('NODE', [], 11311);
Dose anyone have any idea what the problem is? Thanks,

Best Answer

Starting with R2015a, there is an official Robotics System Toolbox that replaces an older ROS I/O support package. The syntax you are referring to is related to that older package.
Do you have Robotics System Toolbox? You can check by typing "ver" in MATLAB and seeing if the product shows up.
If you do, the code is somewhat simpler, in that MATLAB automatically creates a global node with the default settings starting you up in localhost, port 11311.
>> rosinit
>> subscriber = rossubscriber('/topicname');
- Sebastian