MATLAB: Error in the incremental build with a S-function on Real Time Windows Target

real time workshopreal-time windows targets-functionsimulinkSimulink Desktop Real-Time

I'm trying to use a S-function with the Real Time Windows Target, but when I click on the "incremental build" an error occurs. An error window in the simulink shows the following message:
Error building Real-Time Workshop target for block diagram 'Sfunctionteste'. MATLAB error message: Error(s) encountered while building model "Sfunctionteste".
An error message appears on the matlab console: "cannot find the 'dobro'.obj". 'dobro' is the name of the c function placed in the S-function block. Somebody can help me?

Best Answer

If you're using R2008b or R2009a, this might be due to Bug#522933 - the Bug Report has a patch.