MATLAB: Error in the Code , it didnt produce correct result

doit4meImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationno attempt

If i've an image like : How can i identify the major two arcs in that image .
If the arcs can be modeled by y=(ax)^1/2 +b where a and b are constants such that a∈[250,400] and b∈[0,50] where b is an integer number as it represents the y-intercept of the arc in the image.
Output should be a 2-pixel thicker version of the detected arcs over the original image
May this will done by Hough Transform
Any Demo for doing that !please

Best Answer

Just filter out the grid points - they seem to be at fixed positions so it will be very easy to find them but just summing vertically and horizontally and look for high sums
verticalProfile = sum(grayImage, 2);
horizontalProfile = sum(grayImage, 1);
gridLocations = verticalProfile > 50; % or whatever.
grayImage(gridLocations, :) = 0; % Make those rows black.
etc. doing the same for the vertical grid lines.....
Then you have just the curves. Find each one and use polyfit() or whatever.