MATLAB: Error in Simulink.Bus – Struct conversion

c codeEmbedded CoderMATLABmatlab codersimulinksimulink coderstateflow

I have defined in a script a Simulink.Bus and I use it in a Simulink model with a C-caller block.
The C-caller function takes the bus as input, and uses its fields to compute some outputs.
I have defined in a header file a struct with the same fields of the bus I'm using, and I have included it in the C file used by the C-caller.
When I try to run the model it keeps showing me an error saying that the field 'HeaderFile' of the Bus must not be empty, but I already filled it with the name of the header file.
If I comment the C-caller block, run the model and then uncomment the C-caller, it starts working.
How do I remove the error?

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