MATLAB: Error in simulation: Simscape

error simulation simscapeSimscape

Hi, I try to simulate my model but i have an error in simulation:
Initial conditions solve failed to converge.
...Dynamic states at start of simulation are not consistent. Setting all dynamic state initial conditions to zero may fix this problem.
......A constraint involving dynamic variables has been violated. Here is the set of components involved:
'untitled/Controlled Voltage Source'
Equation location is:
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\physmod\simscape\library\m\+foundation\+electrical\+sources\controlled_voltage.ssc' (line 30)
Equation locations are:
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\physmod\simscape\library\m\+foundation\+electrical\+elements\capacitor.ssc' (line 51)
'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\physmod\simscape\library\m\+foundation\+electrical\+elements\capacitor.ssc' (line 50)
Any idea what it happens?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I'm not familiar with physical modeling using SimScape products, but there is an existing Solution that hints at possible issues with your model:
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