MATLAB: Error in Ode23 line 114

error in argumentsMATLABode23

Error in odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
error in [tsol,hsol] =ode23(@(t,h) TnkODE(t,h), [0 2000],[5 5]);
Please Help
The code::
[tsol,hsol] =ode23(@(t,h) TnkODE(t,h), [0 2000],[5 5]);
function Diff=TnkODE(t,h)
h1=h(1); h2=h(2); % given values F0=3 Beta1=0.75, Beta2=1 A1=A2=0.5 are used futher in the equation
Diff(1)=6- 1.5*(h1-h2)^0.5 ; % h1'= F0/A1 - [(4/A1) (h1-h2)^.5]
Diff(2)=1.5*(h1-h2)^0.5 - 2*(h2)^0.5; % h2'= [(Beta1/A2) (h1-h2)^.5 ]- (Beta2/A2)h2^0.5

Best Answer

[tsol,hsol] =ode23(@(t,h) TnkODE(t,h), [0 2000],[5 5]);
function Diff=TnkODE(~,h)
h1=h(1); h2=h(2); % given values F0=3 Beta1=0.75, Beta2=1 A1=A2=0.5 are used futher in the equation
Diff = zeros(2,1);
Diff(1)=6- 1.5*(h1-h2).^0.5 ; % h1'= F0/A1 - [(4/A1) (h1-h2)^.5]
Diff(2)=1.5*(h1-h2).^0.5 - 2*(h2).^0.5; % h2'= [(Beta1/A2) (h1-h2)^.5 ]- (Beta2/A2)h2^0.5