MATLAB: Error in image size

check image sizeimage size

i want to train alexnet by transfer learning for classifying two classes I followed steps in tutorials. all seems good . I did all steps. I prepared data for processing all images are 227-227-3 but when i write
i get this error:
Trial>> [newnet,info] = trainNetwork(trainImgs, layers, options);
Training on single CPU.
Initializing image normalization.
Error using trainNetwork (line 140)
Unexpected image size: All images must have the same size.
Caused by:
Error using nnet.internal.cnn.MiniBatchDatasourceDispatcher>iCellTo4DArray (line 328)
Unexpected image size: All images must have the same size.
I croped and resized all images in my folder. They all have 227-227-3 uint8 but it doesn't work. I'm blocked any help

Best Answer

This check requires a somewhat recent MATLAB, but on the other hand alexnet requires a very recent MATLAB:
ext = 'png'; %adjust as appropriate
projectdir = 'Some\Appropriate\Directory';
dinfo = dir(fullfile(projectdir, '**', ['.' ext]);
allfiles = fullfile({dinfo.folder}, {});
for K = 1 : length(allfiles)
thisfile = allfiles{K};
thisinfo = imfinfo(thisfile);
if ~isfield(thisinfo, 'Width') || ~isfield(thisinfo, 'Height') || ~isfield(thisinfo, 'SamplesPerPixel')
fprintf('image information for file "%s" is missing width or height or #channels\n', thisfile);
if thisinfo.Width ~= 227
fprintf('File "%s" width expected 227 got %d\n', thisfile, thisinfo.Width);
if thisinfo.Height ~= 227
fprintf('File "%s" height expected 227 got %d\n', thisfile, thisinfo.Height);
if thisinfo.SamplesPerPixel ~= 3
fprintf('File "%s" expected 3 color channels, got %d\n', thisfile, thisinfo.SamplesPerPixel);
catch ME
fprintf('Could not get image information for file "%s"', thisfile);
This will look for all of the png files under the directory you name in projectdir and check all of them for the right size.
This code requires R2016b or later for an extension to the functionality of dir() to be able to look in deeper directories, but that should be fine because earlier versions did not implement alexnet so you must not be using an earlier version.
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