MATLAB: Error in generate HDL code of simulink block: “Two-Channel Analysis Subband Filter”.

HDL Codersimulinktwo-channel analysis subband filter hdl

Good Sir, I want to generate a HDL code from my Simulink model. My problem is with the Two-Channel Synthesis/Analysis block. My model is work normally with simulation but when I try to generate HDL code, I get this errors massages: Error: Cannot find the implementation for block 3-Level Analysis Filter Bank/Two-Channel Analysis Subband Filter/Highpass FIR Decimation'. To continue code generation, and avoid this error, you may choose to 'Comment out' this block. How can solve this problem?

Best Answer

"Cannot find the implementation for block" indicates that the specified block is not supported for HDL code generation. (The message is more direct and clear in newer versions of the product.) You will need to replace this block with a different block or set of blocks.