MATLAB: Error in calculating distance


i have two matrices A,B
i calculate euclidean distance
Distance=EuD( A,B)
i get answer
but if i have 4 matrices and have to compare with B mhow to perform
i did
for n=1:4
Distance=EuD( ?,B)
plz tell what should be that question mark
finally i will have 4 distance values
please help

Best Answer

Similar question was asked.
I hope it will solve your problem.
let say you have matrix A as your query. so you convert A to col or row vector by:
A= A(:);
Now there are 10 matrices you make one matrix of them called B. Where each column represent your first matrix. then one simple command will get Euclidean distance of A with all in B
A= repmat(A,1,size(B,2));
E_distance = sqrt(sum((A-B).^2));