MATLAB: Error in a matrix operation


Can you explain me what is the problem?, I want to operate with my column matrix c, I tried to conver it to row matrix.
c =
Columns 1 through 5
-0.0465421133865154 -0.0349065850398866 -0.0174532925199433 6.93889390390723e-18 0.0174532925199433
Columns 6 through 7
0.0349065850398866 0.0465421133865154

Best Answer

Assuming that everything except ā€˜cā€™ is a scalar, it is still necessary to use element-wise operations to calculate ā€˜dā€™.
Try this:
d = N.*cos(prr).*log(tan(pi/4+c/2).*((1-e*sin(c))./(1+e*sin(c))).^(e/2));
See Array vs. Matrix Operations for an extended discussion.