MATLAB: Error importing excel table into app designer table

app designerMATLABuitable

I am a beginner to MATLAB and making an application using App Designer. I have been working and haven't been able to find an answer online, but I am trying to get a button in my app so that; when the button is clicked, I can choose a excel(csv) file to display onto the UI table once chosen.
However, I am receiving the following error; Error setting property 'Data' of class 'Table': Values within a cell array must be numeric, logical, or char
Is there a problem with my code or is this an issue with my data set? My data set contains a mixture of integers, strings, date and time.
Below is my code for the callback on the button;
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.csv'},'File Selector');
fullpath = strcat(pathname,filename);
x = readtable(fullpath);
app.UITable.Data = table2cell(x);
Many Thanks for your help

Best Answer

In case of your Journals.csv, you don't need to use table2cell. Just setting a table as a value works.
x = readtable(fullpath);
app.UITable.Data = x;
% Change column name from imported data
app.UITable.ColumnName = x.Properties.VariableNames;
Result in App Designer.