MATLAB: Error “Function subindex is not defined for value of struct”

dirfor loopstruct

Hi all,
I'm trying to read in multiple .txt files (each file around 400-900MB) which contain sensor channels channels data.I created a readIn function import_file which gives one output which is struct array of size 1X1 struct with 20 fields and value 1Xno.lines double. This array has all the variables from the data file.
function [Signals] = import_file(filename,startRow)
% Function to read in all channel information from each file.
delimiter = {'\t',' '};
formatSpec = '%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f';
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
dataArray = textscan(fileID,formatSPec,'Delimiter','MultipleDelimsAsOne',true,'EmptyValue',NaN,'HeaderLines',startRow-1,'ReturnOnError',false);
EXPORT = [dataArray{1:end}];
%Defining Individual channels as struct array
Signals.Time = EXPORT(:,2);
Signals.n2 = EXPORT(:,21);
clear file ID;
The rest of program is
myfiles = dir('*.txt');
for singlefile = myfiles' % forloop to read in each file
Signals(singlefile) = import_file(,startRow);% storing each file information as a structure inside signal.
When I try to run this program I get an error
Function 'subsindex'is not defined for values of class 'struct'
Error in RD_Test_Run(line 69)
Signals(singlefile) = import_files(,startRow);
Could someone please enlighten where I'm going wrong. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

for i=1:length(myfiles)
singlefile = myfiles(i).name % forloop to read in each file
Signals{i}= import_file(singlefile,startRow);