MATLAB: Error evaluating ‘InitFcn’ callback of Adaptive MPC block

adaptive mpcinitfcnmodel predictive controlModel Predictive Control Toolboxsimulink

Hi guys,
I follow one of MATLAB MPC design example, "Design MPC Controller for Position Servomechanism" from here . I could successfully design my own MPC model and the simulation results were fine. Then I headed on to apply to adaptive design instruction, but my simulation fails and I just received the following error:
–> Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of Adaptive MPC block (mask) 'ampc_dc/Adaptive MPC Controller'.
Callback string is 'ampcblock_InitFcn'
Caused by: For compatibility with the adaptive mode, the plant model specified in your controller object must be LTI state-space (OK), have the same sampling time as the controller (Violated), and be delay-free (OK). The "ss", "c2d", "d2d" and "absorbDelay" functions perform the necessary conversions. <–
I would be highly appreciated if you help me to lift that bothering notification and run my simulation smoothly. Kindly note that I have attached the file to my query.
Best regards,

Best Answer

I have keep trying to solve the problem and finally found a solution for. I exported the Simulink file to a previous version (2013b) and surprisingly found that it worked (the new functional version attached). The only point to be considered is that the gear ratio should not be changed abruptly. It means similar to driving a sedan vehicle that we usually shift from 1 to 5 orderly, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and 4 to 5, the rate of gear ratio change has to be limited. It is why I have put a rate limit block in the simulation file.