MATLAB: Error combining two text files

MATLABmerge filessystemtext filesvariable name

Hello everyone,
I followed the solution provided by Fangjun in the following Matlab Answer:
My problem is that 1 of the names of the text files is a variable (since it is taken from user input). I tried the following, but it cannot find the file.
>> header = 'A1.txt';
>> system('copy header+ATEST.txt') %assuming ATEST.txt exist
This is what Matlab displays:
The system cannot find the file specified.
ans = 1
I also tried the following but it gave me an error:
>> system('copy %s+ATEST.txt',header)
Error using system
Unrecognized option: A1.txt
Is there a way to work around this?
Thank you in advance for any help provided.

Best Answer

I found a solution (below). If there is any other suggestions, I would be happy to hear them. Thanks.
>> header = 'A1.txt';
>> cmd1 = ['copy ',header];
>> cmd = strcat(cmd1,'+ATEST.txt');
>> system(cmd)
1 file(s) copied.
ans = 0