MATLAB: Error code 0x800A03EC when using xlswrite

error code 0x800a03ecxlswrite

I am trying to write out some data using xlswrite and get the error message:
Error using xlswrite (line 220) Excel returned: Error: Object returned error code: 0x800A03EC.
What is this error and how do I correct for it?
The data that I am using is attached.

Best Answer

its all about the extension. Don't use .xls extension because its inherits the row limitations of Excel 2003 which is around 65k (but you have over 90k of rows). See here for more information. So please use
xlswrite('Namsos_01_WindSpeedDirec_2001_2013.xlsx',[Hdr; num2cell(WindQCMat)]);
and it should work fine (This requieres Excel 2007 or newer).