MATLAB: Error checking wont replace old input


This is my code and I want to error check it for the person to input a vector of grades that are from 0 to ten. Every time I run it once with the correct grades [1 2 3], it works. However, if I run it with a wrong vector [-1 2 3] then a correct one [1 2 3], it keeps telling me to enter another vector. I checked my workspace and it appears that the first vecgrade isnt being replaced by the second one.
clear all; clc
vecgrade=input('Enter a vector of quiz grades: \n');
vecchecker=vecgrade>=0 & vecgrade<=10;
while all(vecchecker)==0
vecgrade=input('Please enter another vector of quiz grades: \n');
vecchecker=vecgrade<0 & vecgrade>10;

Best Answer

David - your re-initialization of vecchecker in the while loop uses a different condition than the one outside of the while loop. Note that if
vecgrade = [1 2 3];
vecchecker=vecgrade<0 & vecgrade>10;
vecchecker =
0 0 0
Which makes sense because the condition is saying if the grade is less than zero and greater than ten - which is impossible, so the vector is all zeros (false).
Change your re-initialization of this local variable to be the same as that outside of the loop
vecchecker=vecgrade>=0 & vecgrade<=10;
and your code should work fine.