MATLAB: Error: Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts

assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscriptserror

I have the following matlab code in which I have 6 variables(=n_gc) with the min and max limit as "it.min_gc" and "it.max_gc" respectively. And each variable has 3(=M_g) values. From that I want to produce different combination i.e., as I have 729 combination (=3^6). So I used "ndgrid" operation and it produced the result which is stored in 6 variables(s1 u1 u2 ts vs vw) i.e., for example values stored in s1 is s1(1) to s1(729). But when I want to produce 729 combination again (i.e., when p=2) and try to store it, it shows the error "Assignment has more non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts"
for k = 1:p
for a = 1:n_gc
gc(k,a,:) = (it.min_gc(k,a):((it.max_gc(k,a)-it.min_gc(k,a))/...
[s1(k,:) u1(k,:) u2(k,:) ts(k,:) vs(k,:) vw(k,:)] = ndgrid(gc(k,1,:),...
Please can anyone help me to resolve this issue?

Best Answer

  1. it appears to me that you would be better rewriting your gc setting code in terms of linspace()
  2. I think you might have to use squeeze() on each of the arguments to ndgrid(). This could, however, be avoided if you were to move k to the last subscript.
  3. ndgrid is not going to be producing vectors, but you are trying to store the output as vectors
  4. it might be easier to rewrite in terms of cell arrays, especially if you do not have a strong need to have individual names s1, u1, etc..
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