MATLAB: Error after load *.fig files


I have get:
pytanie=questdlg('Please choose an option:', ...
'Main question', ...
'Manual', 'Automatic', 'Cancel', 'Cancel');
switch pytanie
case 'Manual'
disp([pytanie ': So you like a handwork...?! As your wish...'])
load (OCR_GUI, '-mat')
case 'Automatic'
disp([pytanie ': Are you too lazy...?! Ow...'])
load (OCR_Auto, '-mat')
case 'Cancel'
disp('HA! I knew it!')
It works…but… i have this error after show disp and load file… (those 2 files are *.fig files).
??? Error using ==> load
Argument must contain a string.
Error in ==> Main_choose at 15
load (OCR_GUI, '-mat')
How can i delete this error ?

Best Answer

Why would you use load() on a fig file?