MATLAB: Error: A cast between fixpt and floating point type is not supported

HDL Codermatlab function

I am trying to convert my matlab code to HDL verilog code by HDL Coder. Fixed-Point Conversion shows no Error,but at the time HDL code Generation it show error that
" ErrorA cast between fixpt and floating point type is not supported, at Function 'cameraman_dwt_code1_fixpt' (#1.874.875), line 21, column 12."
My Fixed-Point Arithmatic code is-

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% Generated by MATLAB 9.2 and Fixed-Point Designer 5.4 %
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function xavg12 = cameraman_dwt_code1_fixpt(xr1)
fm = get_fimath();
[fmo_1,fmo_2,fmo_3,fmo_4] = dwt2(xr1,'db3');
xavg = fi(fmo_1, 0, 14, 5, fm);
xhr = fi(fmo_2, 1, 14, 43, fm);
xvr = fi(fmo_3, 1, 14, 43, fm);
xdig = fi(fmo_4, 0, 14, 83, fm);
x1=fi(xavg(1,1), 0, 14, 5, fm); %#This line creates error at xavg(1,1) section(above mentiond on error- line21,coloumn 12)
xavg12=fi(x1, 0, 14, 5, fm);
function fm = get_fimath()
fm = fimath('RoundingMethod', 'Floor',...
'OverflowAction', 'Wrap',...
'MaxProductWordLength', 128,...
'MaxSumWordLength', 128);
####################### My function is->
function xavg12 = cameraman_dwt_code1(xr1)
[xavg,xhr,xvr,xdig] = dwt2(xr1,'db3');
####################### My TestBench code is->
############# It is actually for an Image processing code but I want to test it only for a single pixel value.
Overall code output is 1.2392 for pixel or input value 158 which is acurate but still I can not solved the Fixed-Point Arithmatic code.
Please Help me.Thank you

Best Answer

Hi Sandip,
The issue here is not related to fixed-point conversion; HDL Coder currently does not support dwt2 function out of the box for HDL code generation.
You need to rewrite dwt2_hdl(pixel_in) function to accomplish the algorithm on hardware.