MATLAB: Erase row based on a specific condition in Matlab

celldeleteempty entriesMATLABrows

I have a cell array with 10000 rows and 7 columns.
A={ 701 1999 53,7 701 407 31 18
702 1999 39,6 [] [] [] []
729 1999 48,6 729 2000 40 []
734 1999 70,6 [] [] [] []
745 1999 60,9 730 2000 13 [] }
I would like to erase the rows that have a blank entry in the 4th column. So I would get:
A={ 701 1999 53,7 701 407 31 18
729 1999 48,6 729 2000 40 []
745 1999 60,9 730 2000 13 [] }
Thank you

Best Answer

idx = cellfun(@isempty,C(:,4));
A = A(~idx,:)
A(idx,:) = []