MATLAB: Erase a column that contains at least one zero


Hi all,
I have
R(:,2) contains NaNs and string variables. But sometimes R(:,2) contains and zeros. I want to check if R(:,2) contains at least one zero . If yes, then I want to erase the first column of N, that is N(:,1).
So I try this
R2 = R(:,2);
R22 = R2(cellfun(@(x)isnumeric(x),R2));
if any(cell2mat(R22)==0)
N(:,1) = [];
Is there any alternative which is more compact ?

Best Answer

N(:, any(cellfun(@(C) eq(C,0), R(:,2))) = [];
Two parts are involved here: one is detecting the zero in a column in one array, and the other is deleting column 1 in another array if the zero was found.
The three steps you use for detection can be merged together by various methods; I show one of them above.
In the above I also managed to merge the deletion into the single step, by using an obscure trick. It would not have worked if it had been anything other than column 1 to be removed, and the adjustment to handle some other arbitrary column would pile obscurity on obscurity. Using an "if" would be much more readable:
if any(cellfun(@(C) eq(C,0), R(:,2)); N(:,7) = []; end %for example