MATLAB: Equalizing the size of arrays in a cell

arrayscell arraysMATLAB

Hi everyone,
I have 300 sets of data held in a 1 by 300 cell. The data is of unequal length and as such, it is difficult to change the cell to an array as I would love to. Instead, I would like to make the size of the arrays to be uniform for that to work. The array dimensions should be (1000 by 1) but some of the arrays have 400, 230 etc. I would therefore like to fill the arrays with zeros for the parts that there is no entry to make them have a length of 1000. Is there anyone with an idea?
I have looked at this solution but it does not seem to work for my case. How can I adapt the same?

Best Answer

Suppose my variable name is y
if data is row vector
z = cellfun(@(x) [x zeros(1,100-length(x))],y,'uni',0);
if data is column vector
z = cellfun(@(x) [x;zeros(100-length(x),1)],x,'uni',0);