MATLAB: Episode simulation doesn’t run while training DDPG

exampleobstaclesreinforcement learningReinforcement Learning ToolboxroboticsRobotics System Toolboxsimulationsimulink

I'm currently trying to run the "AvoidObstaclesUsingReinforcementLearningForMobileRobots" example.
The Reinforcement Learning Episode manager opens and updates when I set the exampel to train the agent (dotraining=true), however, the little robot on the binary occupancy map does not move.
When I halt the training, the robot will move until it hits a wall (I'm assuming its tracing the last episode's path from before the training was halted).
The robot will move with the pretrained agent. I've tried training agents in other ddpg examples too and not had any issues.
How do I make the robot move during the training?

Best Answer

Hi Alice,
This example has not been set up to update the visualization during training. If you follow add a MATLAB Function block following this example you should be able to update it.