MATLAB: ‘Entity with internal linkage error’ when using PolySpace Bug Finder

-post-preprocessing-commandbugfinderfunctionglobalinline()polyspacePolyspace Bug FinderPolyspace Bug Finder Serverstatic

In my code, I have a global inline function within which calls are made to a static inline function. The compiler I'm using (Tasking) doesn't have a problem here. However, during the analyses of the code using PolySpace Bug Finder, I receive the following error: 
"an entity with internal linkage cannot be referenced within an inline function with external linkage"
Unfortunately I am not allowed to change the code, because it is code from external. How can I run the Bug Finder analyses without changing the code? 

Best Answer

The error you observe is likely because PolySpace does not support the workflow of calling a Static inline function from within a global inline function. As a workaround, I would suggest using the "-post-preprocessing-command" to replace the 'static inline' to 'static' during preprocessing without modifying the original code. For more information on this, kindly refer to the following documentation link: <>
The above documentation link contains an example PERL script that is used to replace words in the preprocessing code. For your specific workflow, I would suggest using the following code inside the 'while' loop:
# Process every line from STDIN until EOF
while ($line = <STDIN>)
# Replace static inline with static
$line =~ s/^\s*static\s+inline/static/;
# Print the current processed line to STDOUT
print $line;