MATLAB: Entering a whole word into an arary.

arrayscellcolor codesinglestrings

Hello I just have a simple question. I'm working on a project that calculates the resistor value when the user enters a five color code. I cannot figure out how to put each word as a single element in an array. so if I enter the code as a single string: blue black green red orange, I would like to make a(1)=blue, a(2)=black, etc..
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This works whether your user enters only commas between words, only spaces, or both (even colons or semicolons!). I test it out in a FOR loop only to see if entering different ways people might use will still get us our values.
for ii = 1:4
% You only need these three lines, no loop.
I = input('Enter the colors you want: ','s');
I(isstrprop(I,'punct')) = ' ';
C = regexp(I(~isstrprop(I,'punct')),'\s+','split')
Enter the colors you want: black gold green
C =
'black' 'gold' 'green'
Enter the colors you want: yellow, peach, orange
C =
'yellow' 'peach' 'orange'
Enter the colors you want: purple:spicy:fresh
C =
'purple' 'spicy' 'fresh'
Enter the colors you want: Yummy; grape;cherry
C =
'Yummy' 'grape' 'cherry'