MATLAB: Enter values into a FIFO array

array fifobufferfifofifo queueframeMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitequeuereadframeshiftbuffervideoobject

I have an array called
frameBuffer = zeros (height, width, numChannels, framesPerSymbol);
and a video. The parameters of the frameBuffer are height, width, number of color channels and framesPerSymbol, which will be the number of frames that my symbol lasts.My goal is to insert frames of the video in the array as if it were a FIFO queue, that is, if framesPerSymbol is 5:
F = frames E = empty
1) E E E E E
2) F E E E E
3) F F E E E
4) F F F E E
5) F F F F E
6) F F F F F
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I think you are trying to save last five frames in a buffer, but a for loop is not required for that purpose
frameBuffer=zeros (height, width, numChannels, framesPerSymbol);
framesInBuffer = 0;
While loop
while hasFrame(videoObject)
frame = double(readFrame(videoObject));
I made a change here
frameBuffer = shiftBuffer(frameBuffer,frame);
framesInBuffer = framesInBuffer + 1;
if framesInBuffer > framesPerSymbol
framesInBuffer = framesPerSymbol;
bypassEncoding = false;
bypassEncoding = true;
if ~bypassEncoding
if canWeEncode(frameBuffer,alpha,threshold)
encodedBuffer = steganographicEncoding(frameBuffer,width,height,codeRows,codeCols,alpha,sigma);
and a change here
function frameBuffer = shiftBuffer (frameBuffer,frame)
frameBuffer = circshift(frameBuffer,1,4);
frameBuffer(:,:,:,1) = frame;
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