MATLAB: EngEvalString source code, Matlab


Hello, I'm looking for the source code for the engEvalString function in matlab. I need to see what this functions doing and possible change it to get it to do what I want. The functions found in engine.h but there’s nothing really there. When you use this to call something from Java it converts everything to doubles, and I need to be able to cast it to other values. I've googled for a little bit and I didn't run across anything. I’ve even searched for it in my matlab directory. I didn't know if anyone here knows where I can look. Thanks!

Best Answer

engEvalString is defined in the shared library or DLL named "libeng" - engine.h is simply where the declaration resides. The function is IP-protected, so you can't modify it, but feel free to create your own wrapper to do the required type-casts before calling into engEvalString.