MATLAB: Encoding Binary to DNA sequencing

binarydna sequencingfor loop

I am trying to convert the string into binary and sequencing with DNA,but i am getting error as follows :
Attempted to access bases(145); index out of bounds because numel(bases)=4.
Error in ==> filename at 21
result((k+1)/2) = bases(index);
What is the solution for this? Here is the code:
ui=input('enter the message:','s')
decString = unicode2native(ui,'utf-8')
hexString = dec2hex(decString)
binaryArray= dec2bin(decString,8)
bases = 'ATGC';
for k = 1 : 2 : length(binaryArray)
% Convert these two digits into a number 1 - 4.
index = 2 * binaryArray(k) + binaryArray(k+1) + 1;
% Use that index to assign a letter to our result.
result((k+1)/2) = bases(index);
% Display in command window:
Thank you

Best Answer

bases has only 4 elements so index must stay in the range 1,2,3,4 not 145 like you have it. Think about the logic some more.