MATLAB: Embedding images in GUI standalone executable

deploytoolguiguidematlab guimcr

Hi, I constructed a standalone executable file for a MATLAB GUI. The GUI contains images which I have called into the axes by using the code shown.
imshow('C:\Users\asinha14\My Documents\MATLAB\DFIG\DFIG_PNG.png')
handles.output = hObject;
Further, while using the deploytool I have also added the image files in the 'Other files' section.
However, while running the 'exe' on any other computer, it gives an error message saying that the executable is unable to locate the path where the image is stored. May anyone guide about how I may 'embed' the images into the GUI exe while packaging or writing the code.
Thanking you for your time.

Best Answer

One way is to just install the images in a known folder on the target computer. You can include other files in the deployment package or do it manually. You can use deploytool, or another package such as InstallShield.
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