MATLAB: Embedded matlab block as a parameter – not an input (without “ports and data manager”)

embedded matlab codeMATLABparameterports and data managersimulinkworkspace

When using an embedded Matlab block within Simulink, I would like to make the use of parameters more transparent by including definition of ports in the function i.e
function [ ...
... % Signals controlling stimulus
output_arg1 ,...
output_arg2 ]...
= Sequencer( ...
... % From Test Bench
time_in ,...
stop_time ,...
fixed_step_size ,...
... % From UUT
input_arg1 ,...
% Function code
Where "fixed_step_size" is not an input port to the block but instead takes the value from the workspace – the value in the work space will not change over the duration of the simulation.
At the moment I am using the "ports and data manager" but this is not obvious when reviewing code.
so the question is: Is there a way to get a workspace parameter from the workspace – within the Matlab code, without using the ports and data manager?
Many thanks!

Best Answer

sorry, I just found this:
fixed_step_size = evalin('base', 'fixed_step_size');