MATLAB: Ellipse in parametric form

ellipseMATLABmatlab functiontheta

I'm trying to create an ellipse in parametric form. I have just two Foci along the major axis. So, how shall I get r1, r2 etc.
point1 = 10 8
point2 = 25 20
The syntax is
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 200);
xt = r1 * cos(t) + xc;
yt = r2 * sin(t) + yc;
cot = cos(theta); sit = sin(theta);
x = xt * cot - yt * sit;
y = xt * sit - yt * cot;
plot(x, y, '-');

Best Answer

You cannot determine the ellipse with only the foci. You also need to know r1. Once you know that however, you can determine r2 readily,
r2 = r1^2-c^2;