MATLAB: Eliminating value out of range

range filtering

I have two matrix.
A = rand(8,10);
B = rand(8,41);
range = 0.5345 (y+ direction and y- direction, range of elements of A);
i want to take all elements of B which fall in the range of matrix A 's elements. The elements of B which does not fall in the range should be NaN.

Best Answer

Declare a logical variable that states when values are in range
inRange = B >= min(A(:)) & B <= max(A(:));
Now assign to nan if outside that range, as you asked:
B(~inRange) = nan;
Or you can extract only those that are in range into a new variable:
BInRange = B(inRange);
Or you can delete those that are not in range, giving a shorter B than the original:
B(~inRange) = [];
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