MATLAB: Eliminating Certain Timestamps from an Array


I have two arrays: "Time" and "Bytes", both of which correspond to one another (aka, are the same size and refer to the same type of data). I need to eliminate certain data points in "Time" containing duplicate timestamps, but at the same time, select those with the higher "Byte" value for that timestamp.
For starters, I know I can use unique() to find the non-duplicate timestamps, but this function doesn't take into consideration finding the max value of Bytes in the process. Is there any simple way of going about this?
Whether the answer is in function form or in-line form doesn't matter to me. If you need an example of data, let me know.

Best Answer

x = [.01, .01, .03, .04, .04, .04, .07, 1.0] ;%Timestamp
y = [096, 140, 096, 096, 140, 579, 579, 579] ;%Bytes
z = [.01, .02, .03, .04, .04, .06, .09, 1.2]; %TimestampEnd
[ux,~,idx] = unique(x');
zmx = accumarray(idx,(1:numel(x))',[],@(ii)getz(y(ii),z(ii)));
[ux zmx]
Where getz() is in getz.m.
function mxz = getz(y,z)
[~, idxmx] = max(y);
mxz = z(idxmx);
x = [1;2;3;2;3]; % "time stamps"
y = (1:5)'; % Bytes, pick max for each unique x.
[ux,~,idx] = unique(x);
xmx = accumarray(idx,y,[],@max);
[ux xmx]
Use the third output of unique to pivot and apply the max function with accumarray.
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