MATLAB: Eliminate tables with more than 15% NaN data


Hey all,
I have C.mat which has 125 tables. I want to remove tables if any of tmax_m or tmin_m or rrr24 or tmin_m columns have more than 15% NaN cells.
C.mat is attached.
Thank you all

Best Answer

This cellfun is a bit obnoxious but it produces an output select that is a logical vector the same size as C where true values identify cells that will be eliminated due to having at least 1 column listed in cols that has more than maxNaN percent NaN values.
cols ={'tmax_m', 'in_m' 'rrr24' 'tmin_m'};
maxNan = 0.15;
select = cellfun(@(T)any(mean(isnan(T{:,ismember(T.Properties.VariableNames,cols)}),1) > maxNan), C);
C(select) = []; % eliminate selected cells