MATLAB: Elementwise diff() with an condition


I have an array of cells which contains numeric arrays of different lengths, lets call that array X. I want to write a function that writes the diff(cell2mat(X(i))) to and array of cells Y(i). The problem is when I want to add a condition i.e. only write the diff of two elements in the result vector when the difference is <= B. Below my code:
function[Y] = diffleq2(X)
len = length(X);
for i = 1:len
Y(i) = {diff(cell2mat(X(i)))};
X is of the form of
X = {[1,2,4,5],[23,12,13]};
just with a lot more cells. Obviously the new function would look like this
function[Y] = diffleq2(X,B)

Best Answer

X = {[1,2,4,5],[23,12,13]};
Y = cellfun(@diff,X,'un',0);
B = 1.5;
Ycut = cellfun(@(x) x(abs(x)>B),Y,'un',0);