MATLAB: Elemental subtraction indices of initial vector


Hi !
A is my array of numbers
I substract all the elements from each other with A – A' which give me a matrice T with size of length (A) * length (A)
Now that I want to look for specific value in this matrice, find (T == x) it gives me the indices of the value in the matrice.
My question is how can I find out what this indece represents in form of my initial array A?
in short :::
T = A – A '
find (T == my value) ==> ans = i where T (i) == my value
how to find out j and k where T (i) = A (j) – A (k)
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

A = [1 2 1 2 2 3 4 5] ;
T = A-A.' ;
x = 0 ;
idx = T == x ; % get logical indices
[r,c] = ind2sub(size(T),find(idx)) % get row and column positions