MATLAB: Element-by-element sum of cell array

cell arrayselement by element sum

I have a cell A of size 100: A{1,1}=[1 2 3 4]; A{1,2}=[5 6 7 8]; …A{1,100}=[10 11 12 13];
I want to take element-by-element sum. SUMA should be a vector containing 4 elements where 1st element is sum of 1st entry of all A{1,i} elements, where i=1 to 100 and so on. How can i do this?

Best Answer

A{1,1}=[1 2 3 4]; A{1,2}=[5 6 7 8]; A{1,3}=[10 11 12 13];
iwant = sum(cell2mat(A')) ;