MATLAB: Eigs Function on Function Handle Not Converged


my little fun problem looks like:
F is some neat linear function handle. I need to find its largest real eigenvalues. (it basically looks like A*x where the construction of A involves unpleasant large matrix inversion and is huge (size of tens of thousands squared)
So I called eigs and it did not converge when specified to calculate 10 largestreal eigenvalues but converged when specified to calculate 10 smallestreal. I need both so any reason this might be it?
Or what is the threshold that determines convergence or not behind the curtains?

Best Answer

Hi Sam,
The most likely reason for the convergence problems is that the eigenvalues are close together (or even multiples). The convergence speed of the internal method (for the 'largestabs' case) depends on the ratio between the smallest chosen eigenvalue and the largest eigenvalue that was not chosen.
Because of this, increasing the number of eigenvalues you are asking for (or just the 'SubspaceDimension') can help with convergence.
Another factor is that the 'largestreal' and 'smallestreal' options have some issues compared to 'largestabs' and 'smallestabs'. The inner iteration tends to go for the largest eigenvalues by absolute value, and has to be called back on every outer iteration to go for largest or smallest real part instead. So if the spectrum of your matrix is larger in the imaginary axes than the real axes, that could also be a reason for the convergence problems. Unfortunately, there's not much I can think of to improve that case.