MATLAB: Efficient ways to read and write complex valued data

complex valued datalarge fileslow level ioMATLAB

I have large files that contain interleaved complex data. I reach chunks of it at a time for processing. It seams that there is no way to read this efficiently. I can't find out how to do it without a copy that shouldn't really be necessary. Here are some things that I tried (y.fid points to a file opened with fopen(), y.type is a valid type):
% method 1: read in to a vector, interleave with complex
cData = fread(y.fid,numSamp.*2, y.type);
t1 = toc;
cData = complex(cData(1:2:end),cData(2:2:end));
t2 = toc;
The above method is slower than it has to be. I think the indexing really slows down the copy into cData.
% method 2: read into 2xN array, use complex and indexing
cData = fread(y.fid,[2 numSamp], y.type);
t3 = toc;
cData = complex(cData(1,:),cData(2,:)).';
t4 = toc;
The above method is indeed faster. It still requires a copy.
% method 3: read into 2xN array, use complex muliply
cData = fread(y.fid,[2 numSamp], y.type);
t5 = toc;
cData = cData.' * [1 ;1j];
t6 = toc;
The above is the slowest of them all.
I tried memmap, but it's inappropriate for very large files. I looked into MEX files. It requires that you create a new complex array for every read, but you could probably fill the array efficiently. The problem is that this is worse than an fread to an existing array of the correct size because one has to allocate new memory for every call.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

A mex routine to accomplish this that doesn't use any hacks can be found here:
It uses the MATLAB fopen( ) function in the background, so the syntax is the same. It first reads the interleaved complex data file as a real variable with twice the first dimension, then internally converts this to a complex variable with the requested dimensions using a sleight of hand pointer manipulation and no extra data copy. Uses only official API functions and does not require any mxArrary hacks, so should be OK for any MATLAB version R2018a or later.
There should probably be an enhancement request submitted for this, since I think the MATLAB fopen( ) function should have this capability directly without the need for a mex routine.
And I just updated this submission to include a related fwritecomplex mex routine for writing interleaved complex variables. It creates a temporary pseudo shared data copy of the interleaved complex variable as a real and then calls the MATLAB fwrite function. All using official API functions so no mxArray hacks involved.
And, again, I think the MATLAB fwrite( ) function should have this capability directly without resorting to mex routines.