MATLAB: Efficiency help 2


for q = 1:length(maxtab2)
for r = 1: length(maxtab2{q})
for s = 1: length(replacewith)
if abs (maxtab2{q}(r) - replacewith(s)) ==1
maxtab2{q}(r) = replacewith(s);
maxtab2 is a list of cells, each containing 2 colums of numbers(up to 20 numbers each column).
length(maxtab2)=190 length(maxtab2{q}) would be up to 20
can anyone help me make the 3 loops more effecient please? It is taking way too long right now, Thanks!
here is the data for maxtab2, its just the content of 1 cell
replacewith is a list of over 5000 variables. the code here chooses one of these 5000 variable and replace the corresponding maxtab2 (determined by the for loops) with the chosen variable from replacewith

Best Answer

for s
if abs (maxtab2{q}(r) - replacewith(s)) ==1
maxtab2{q}(r) = replacewith(s);
I'm pretty sure this can be replaced with
maxtab{q}(r) = find(abs(maxtab{q}(r)-replacewith)==1,1,'last')
but this operation seems wierd to me. You're going to replace it with the value one less than it or one more than it, you're aware of this right?