MATLAB: EEG features values classification


Hello. I have an exercise in which 4 features from EEG are extracted(delta, theta ,alpha, beta). I was asked to visualize the features values belonging to each class, seizure on non seizure. And after that to compute the mean and the standard deviation of the values of each class. My 4 features is one matrix 124×4 and the labels is 1×124. My seizure length is 62. Do you know how can I start solving this exercise because I am starter in Matlab and I am not familiar with classification… Thank you..

Best Answer

I would start by separating out the ‘seizure’ data from the ‘normal’ data. Take the means and standard deviations of those for your four EEG bands, so when you’re finished, you have 8 values for the means and another 8 for the standard deviations.
After that, what you do depends on your statistics background and the classification techniques you’re supposed to use.
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