MATLAB: Edit:Value Exceeeds while dividing


I have 16 bit values and 14 bit values of same size
A=16 bit values ,B=14 bit values
i have sorted suxh a way that maximum value of 14 bit comes under max valu of 16 bit and so on,finally minimum of 14 bit comes min of 16 bit
used command as
the value of Dw exceeds 5 bit ,plese tell why i get this
suppose if max of 14 bit 8192/max of 16 bit 32767 we get 25 ,which is a 5 bit ,then why get more than 5 bit,please help

Best Answer

[~,i1] = sort(A);
B1 = sort(B);
[~,i2] = sort(i1);
C = B1(i2);