MATLAB: Editor multiple tabs

editormultiple tabs

Hello everybody,
I am currently working with Matlab on two different machines. In one of these, all the opened m files are on different tabs in the same editor; in the other, every time I open a new m file, it shows up in a new editor. I would prefere much more the first option, but I can not find it in the preferences, and also the HELP does not help. Do you know where can I modify it?

Best Answer

Try docking the editors first. It's the south-east pointing arrow in the right of the menu bar. If Editor windows are undocked then new ones will open up undocked as well. You can dock together multiple Editors and then undock the whole group, so you could have the Editor in a separate window. It's a little tricky to set up, but once you do, new editors will open up in the (un)docked group.