MATLAB: Editbox multiple lines gui


Hi there
An editbox in my gui will contain information when users push the start button. The information comes from
imaqhwinfo command and it displays
InstalledAdaptors: {'gentl' 'gige' 'kinect' 'matrox' 'winvideo'}
MATLABVersion: '8.1 (R2013a)'
ToolboxName: 'Image Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '4.5 (R2013a)'
I am trying to set these informations into an editbox but so far I could not success it.Anyone has an opion?Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Something along these lines?
h = uicontrol('Style','edit',...
'Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.5],...
'String','Hello World',...
S = imaqhwinfo;
fn = fieldnames(S);
str = '';
for ii = 1:numel(fn)
str = [str,fn{ii},S(1,1).(fn{ii}),sprintf('\n')];
You'll need to tune the string to your specific size/style etc.