MATLAB: Edit-replacing a value by another


I have a matrix
[1 2 3 4 5 6
11 58 12 8 2 12
2 10 36 69 1 20
14 85 94 20 36 5
19 58 41 52 69 87
10 25 36 78 01 25]
in first column [1 11 2 14 19 20]
each pair values must be repcaed by a value..
my 1st column outputmust be =[.1 .2 .3]
for second column my values must be .2 .4 .6
2nd column=[.2 .4 .6]
the values which are replaced is selected by user
i have 100x6 matrix please help

Best Answer

A = randi(50,100,6); % Your matrix
n = size(A,1)/2;
n1 = cumprod([(1:n).',2*ones(n,size(A,2))],2)*.1;