MATLAB: Edit-error in classifier


I have a code
y = species;
X = meas;
cp = cvpartition(y,'k',10); % Stratified cross-validation
classf = TreeBagger(10,meas,species,'oobpred','on');
cvMCR = crossval('mcr',X,y,'predfun',classf,'partition',cp)
i get error as
Undefined function 'func2str' for input arguments of type 'TreeBagger'.
Error in crossval>evalFun (line 465)
error(message('stats:crossval:FunError', func2str( fun ), ME.message));

Best Answer

In particular, 2nd example for crossval here shows what you need to do. You would need to replace the function handle classf in that example with a function which has two lines of code in it: 1) Train a TreeBagger on Xtrain and Ytrain, and 2) Predict labels for Xtest using the trained TreeBagger.