MATLAB: Edge detection

digital image processing

I'm trying to use matlab operators for edge detection,could anyone suggest me the best suited operators(i.e sobel,roberts,prewitt etc) for the operation?

Best Answer

The best one is the one you like best. There are thousands of edge operators, each with different parameters so not even a single one will give you the same looking images (it depends on the parameters). There really is no one single edge operator that is best for all images. If there were, then there would only be that one and everyone would use it, but there are thousands and new ones are being invented weekly with no end in sight. That's why, since there is no one best one, we can only say that the best one is the one that is best for you with your specific images.
You may not even need an edge detector. I've seen plenty of instances where someone wanted to measure something and then thought they needed an edge detector when that was an unnecessary operation or a totally wrong approach. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. That's why it's good to get a second opinion by showing (posting) your image to us.
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