MATLAB: EDA Simulator link and Simulink Cosimulation

cosimeda simulatorHDL Verifiersimulink

Hello All,
I am trying to use EDA simulator link with simulink but I am getting the error:
Error reported by S-function 'shdlcosim' in 'fpgs_sim/HDL Cosimulation/S-Function':
Continuous sample time not allowed for input port 1 of cosim block.
Now what am I supposed to do? The input is actually fixed point 12 bit signed but still I get the error. I have attached the simulink file. Please help….

Best Answer

The rate to choose is your design decision. Somewhere in your design I suspect that you have a source (or multiple sources) running at a continuous rate. Turn on Sample Time coloring to see what rates are where; blocks and signals running at continuous rate show up as black. The EDA Simulator Link block requires a discrete rate on all its inputs, as a HDL simulator is a discrete event simulator. It's possible that all you have to do is to choose a fixed-step discrete solver for your model.